Begin Video Conference
You will be prompted to download the Video Conference software.
Run the downloaded software and complete the setup. When it's complete, you'll see the following screen:
Under join, enter (without quotes) "nourishedagain" and then click the green arrow button.
A new window will be opened and you'll be presented with a "Join Meeting" page with the Dietitian, Rebecca.
Enter your name and click "JOIN".
At this point the Dietitian will be prompted to allow your call. On most devices, before you can begin your conversation the computer will ask you to confirm that it has permission to connect your webcam and microphone. If you're using a computer, you need to click on the following icons:
Once you've "allowed" each one, they'll turn green:
Now, you're ready to go!
Note: On mobile devices, you will likely be asked to "allow" access to your camera, photos and/or contacts. You need to "allow" the access or you will be unable to use the video and/or audio